Cpt.bichez face, a highly pixelated picture of a pink bearded black person with glasses on their forhead.

✨ Cpt. Bichez (Fisk) - any/they ✨

Selfhosted like the True OGs

From the "middle earth" of France


  • XMPP:
    cptbichez@ystrbag.xyz (prefered)
  • Matrix:

other ways to reach out

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About Me

Cptbichez, also known as Fisk or Deer Commander (deer cmdr)

I create stuff, got some hobbies as you may see in other categories. I find computer arts like demos and tracker music really cool. I'm a discret person behind my desk but in everyday life i'm a weirdo

I'm also a framebuilding trainee, i worked on various stuff in graphics and painting. Playtested games for big names and test watched movies and tv series for some other big names. Might be good at this

I'm a self taught of many skills such as programming (before uni), PCB designing, guitar playing, and HTML writing.

More random facts:

  • utilitarian cyclist that cannot shut up about bicycles, non and light motorized mobility things & urbanism
  • i own a limited edition of the Polyend Tracker, saved years for it.
  • i like the recorder flute and can play bass guitar but cannot read music sheets

Conventional Knowledge


I can speak some languages at least 2. And as EU citizen i also understand few others and can say "Hello, Please, Thanks and Goodbye" in various EU languages.

ranked by knowledge
French Native speaker
English Understand, Read, Write & Speak (School) C Level
Guadelupean & Reunion Creole Understand, Read (Household)
Spanish A1 with some leftovers of A2 level (School)

Due i also know some basic expressions in other languages it's considered like A1/A2 in CEFRL but it's clearly lower than that. I Also like to learn basics in many languages. I'm in constant learning of Swedish and Esperanto.

Academical stuff

translate and transposed terms only
  • Vocational Diploma in Signage & Decor
  • Art Degree spe. in Decor and Architectural Painting


  • Bachlor's Degree in Scene Arts spe. Film Studies & Tourism Studies
  • Bachlor's Degree of Science spe. Computer Science